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Are dating apps helping or harming us?

Figures from the UK police forces show that 2,054 offences were recorded between 2011 and 2016

Finding your soulmate is quite laborious. This is why dating apps were first introduced: to accelerate the process of meeting your perfect match.

It has been successful, as The Future of Dating report indicated that a third of relationships that started between 2015 and 2019 initiated online.

But are these apps safe?

After recent incidents, Tinder, one of the most popular apps, has decided to add some safety measures. It includes emergency assistance, photo verification and location tracking.

But do we think this is sufficient to prevent more crimes from happening?

The answer is there are no restrictions on who signs up for the apps. For example, even someone with a criminal record, or simply a violent person, can.

To protect clients from being threatened, sites should improve their registration process by making it compulsory to specify certain details.

But providing this solution can be hard when you want to maintain the all-time fast and easy system. Consequently, that could possibly lead to a huge profit loss and several dropouts.

Till then, when in doubt, swipe left.

Instant connection, immediate love: a dubious promise of dating apps. Uncredited illustration via

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Simi is our Editor and writer, follow her on Twitter.


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