The Rise of Women in Unconventional Filmmaking Females in experimental film find an opportunity to work together By Simi Hindwani Most people are not yet familiar with this art...
Snapchat dysmorphia: the fake route to perfectionA disease that is making teenage girls want to change their appearances By Simi Hindwani As its very name indicates, social media apps...
Are dating apps helping or harming us?Figures from the UK police forces show that 2,054 offences were recorded between 2011 and 2016 By Simi Hindwani Finding your soulmate is...
The controversy of facial recognition cameras in LondonActivists fight against mass surveillance and raise awareness for human rights By Simi Hindwani According to Statista, 630,000 cameras...
Lights, camera, taking actionPerformer and drag king Kit Griffiths expresses gender through art By Simi Hindwani Although Hollywood has traditionally been straight,...