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Rosalía is reviving tradition

The Spanish musical phenomenon has found the formula to popularise convention

A beautiful voice, loads of passion and flamenco training have made Rosalía an international star.

Rosalía hails from Cataluña, Spain and has opened a gate to its traditional music.

The artist has synthesised modernity with tradition and perfectly combines different genres like hip-hop and trap, with those more characteristic of Spain.

Rosalía was a student at the University of Barcelona when she created music for her graduation project, reaching thousands with it.

This year, she clicked with the perfect formula and won a Grammy for Best Latin Album, making Spaniards proud to see their music represented overseas.

The music industry is a tough one to access when you are doing things out of the norm, but this seems to be changing nowadays. The more you deviate from the standard, the more likely your videos and music will be shared online.

By changing the focus of Spanish music back to its roots, Rosalía has gained herself millions of followers and has collaborated with international artists like Travis Scott.

There is definitely more in store of Rosalía’s music and Outré can’t wait to see it.

Cover photo credit: Diario de Madrid

Alejandra is our picture editor and writer, follow her on Twitter!


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